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Categories: , , , Product ID: 23972



Addinol Cetane Booster was developed to increase the cetane number in diesel engines and is used to increase performance and as an additive for low-quality fuel. Increases the cetanes by up to 5 points depending on the fuel quality..USE300 ml are sufficient for 60 – 80 liters of fuel . Cetane Booster is added to the diesel in the fuel tank. Addinol Cetane Booster can be used with every tank filling. .


Addinol Cetane Booster optimizes the performance of the engine and the combustion process and thus protects against friction and wear. Addinol Cetane Booster can improve the cold start and reduce soot formation (diesel soot). Addinol Cetane Booster is also suitable for fuels of low quality and / or a low cetane number.
Addinol Cetane Boosterwas developed to increase the cetane number in diesel engines and is used to increase performance and as an additive for low-quality fuel.Increases the cetanes by up to 5 points depending on the fuel quality.

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